Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cutting My Hair Short?

As I'm sure most people are, I get super nervous when it's time for me to cut my hair. As ridiculous as it sounds, because it grows back eventually, it takes a lot for me to trust a hair stylist. So, it's usually rare for me to go to a foreign stylist for a trim. The thing is, trims are exactly the reason why we, at least I, have a distrust towards unfamiliar stylists. There were several incidents where I went in for a little trim of about an inch or two and left with about a third of my hair gone. I had found a stylist a few years ago through recommendations, but after leaving to another city, it became difficult to return to her. So now my search begins once more.

This time I've decided to do a bit out of my comfort zone and head over to colleges. I know, it seems a bit absurd that I am looking for students to style my hair, but hear me out. I've met several people with flawless hair and upon asking them, I've discovered that they head over to these beauty colleges for a touch-up. True, the students might mess up, but according to customers, their teachers watch over the entire process. Thus, in a way, this is better than heading over to salons because the teachers are professionals who teach others daily. But that's not the only bonus; these beauty colleges offer a less expensive service as well.

So I'm looking for one of these schools. I'm honestly a bit excited because of all the comments about finding the perfect hairstyles at these places. But the only warning is to find one with students who are passionate about what they are doing, otherwise they can totally mess up your hair. If you had any experiences with these places, please leave a comment below, I'd love to hear about it!!


  1. Good luck with finding a good hairdresser!
    It's such a good idea to check out colleges for
    that. :)


    1. Yeah I'm still searching for one; I'm really excited!! Thank you for commenting ^__^
